I must admit that I pressure myself to writing, and to be creative. This feels still weird.
Oil spill stopped under 200 bars of pressure. Off he goes again. Just to celebrate saved ocean life. This time in Las Vegas. His part time nemesis Joker recognises the armour that my son is wearing.
He walks closer.
Even closer.
"Lex Luthor wants to buy you a drink," says Lex Luthor.
Uncomfortable as my son can sometimes be he whistles and the Iron Man's armour flies through the ceiling. With a spin of a hand - basically just finger - the whole armour gets attached into him. May I remind that this is the prototype of mark 42. In the movies they use cgi.
"Sorry, busy," my son says and flies to New York. It wasn't a disaster. It could have been. My son doesn't have disasters, he has cramps. Inherited. Sorry.
Anyways. Lots of thumb-thumbs, and of he goes. Did you know that Metropolis is trying to be New York. My son landed on the highest of the buildings. Andrew Webb was waiting for him in his mark 42 armour. Anything less would have made Webb's spider senses tingle. May I note that my son was also wearing similar kind of armour - just much more fabulous.
All trademark-satiriximus are intentional.