Tuesday, December 1, 2015

My wordz are my moralities

Human rights should not be delivered from your nationality
Human rights are delivered from nationality
There are people with no nationalities at all
They are taxed
But they are present
Not represented

Human rights are repressed differently inside nations
Humans should not defuse themselves into nations
One wrong doesn't make other right
Right wrong doesn't make right wrong
Doing wrong by mistake is no law at all
Governing all by law doing wrong should be wrong

These wordz are only spelled wrong
Pronounced they sound everything but wrong
Try to slice every concept of previously stated words to a wrong
And wrong are you doing by the before mentioned wrongs

It is not I that should be wrongly accused for my words
It's my words that should be accused for accruing rights to wrongs

Wrong law is better than no law at all
No law is a world without rights or wrongs
Every law should be proven right from the wrong
Every day no play not here no foul
Standing up against wrong law is truthfully better than no love for law
Rebelling against a law without love is standing up against the right law

Law that represents morals might be a good start
Revolutions take that good start into a good law
Good laws present the precedence with good 
Good precedence might not represent the good at all
The good are the first to go when the precedence go wrong
Wrong reasons to show all the good where they might wrong
Right cause for righteous laws
for there is no good for wrong the right law

Law for wordz
Wordz for love
Love right to write wrong laws
Law against writing laws wrong

Thy thigh is why my laws of wordz always go wrong.

Sunday, August 30, 2015



1. Atheists are probably the worst with morality. In the worstest of the worse cases they are acting kindly knowingly that there is no higher force to punish them.

2. Obnoxiousness of Atheists is peculiar. They jump on against every explanation of how the universe was created but when challenged back to give a better explanation, they know nothing.

3. Silly is the idea of universe created out of nothingness. Sillier is the idea that nothing created everything. Still some of them say that they don't know.

4. Paradoxes should be broken down to at least two categories. Those that are paradoxes, and those that are not. We can put it to a poll. Or to a referendum.

5. You cannot choose your beliefs unless you are an Atheist. Then it is always a choice. At least that's what Atheists say to Theists when they ask why they are Atheists. Theists think that Atheists are trying to be funny.

6. If there wouldn't be so many cinematic versions of Bible then the Game of Thrones would be challenged every year. Not with just dragons. The cast would be a lot bigger, and they would all die. And if an important character dies the writers would make the character come back even after the death. The Bold And The Beautiful has run over 20 years.

7. What is the religion of Jedis called? Is it Jedism, or Jeduism?

8. Followers of Zen seem to be asking a lot of questions and even answering them with a question, don't they? Are those Zen dudes really that stupid?

9. Matrix-trilogy is a much better movie series if you think that Neo never got out of the Matrix. Matrixception.

10. Only a few people critical towards religion knew how to use footnotes. Look where they are now.

11. Someday there is going to be a thing called iReligion. Probably from the PC people. There is nothing wrong or bad about products with an apple logo. First people afraid of the brand were performing on Betamax.

12. There probably was a man who had an apple falling to his head. I don't know if he was actually called philosopher because of that. It might have actually been an appraisal at that time so I don't want to take it away from him either.

Newer production

Children should be let to decide their own names. As long as we want to believe that they are able to do it.

Do you have one cigarette to spare? Regardless of the thank you's, you shouldn't be smoking.

I've been watching dead children floating on the line of water and sun. They might be dead. Could be fake. Somebody calls them illegal.
(In Finnish somebody called them welfare surfers)

The fortress I live in is not the language I stay in.

There is no magic in writing poetry. It just happens a letter at the time. In thoughts there are pictures as well, but no magic. They always come out clear.

I've done my private research is the new expert. Luckily I'm no expert to say otherwise.

Blogger who is against the mainstream media should be aware of the count of his readers.

It's funny how cool the weather is when you are thinking how hot the debate about climate is. Hopefully they will meet halfway the Köppen.

My first sip of cognac was the most distasteful act of oral injection. I feel nostalgic about the toothpastes that taste like candy.

I've read a study that clever people have a ready-to-use grammar of 1000 words all the time, and normal people have only like 200. I used 140 already on Monday.

Psychology is like horoscopes but with a scientific methodology. People who believe in it want to cure themselves.

Guy in debt is the most gracious. Guy owning all the debts avoids taxes. I'm just the middle man in the company. You will play again - we are counting on it.

There are two kinds of managers I like. The ones who are supporting my work and the ones that keep distance.

Monday, July 27, 2015


You can google this

"If the truth in itself is true then you can only use that as a measurement of truth"

The biggest count of people checking the quote?

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Why Are You Still Looking for Headlines?

If we outsource all of the intelligence, who would notice?

Life is a peach but not a pear. Nobody can fight against a full-grown pear. I only know one fictive character doing that. He survived. The pear did not.

If I'm measuring my intelligence, how long will it take for me to know what I'm measuring?

No-one can be told about the new Playboy 4. But two people who has experienced it can talk about it. Will they be talking about the page numbers or the games they play?

Always when I'm looking at the old female pictures, I think they are a bit of conservative. We should protect the new picture!

I like people who know how to answer the right questions, don't you?

It's nice to know that performance art is not dead. I just read about it, and it seems to be thriving. 

You know people who hate politicians who say a lot and still so little. I wish they wouldn't talk so much.

When asked how I always make things look so easy, I say it's magic. Magicians never show their tricks. They make it look so hard. 

I miss those old book clubs where you would be send books every month with a price of a yearly subscription and you would just archive them into your bookcase. Internet destroyed it.

Would you accept Groucho Marx into your club? I would just post his application to Internet, and let him deal with the after shower. I would use my own name.

Do you remember when you were kids and toys were smaller than you. Then you grew up and so did the toys. And the budgets. And the bills. And the inflation. And your kids.

I still laugh about the time during that sad Christmas when I was hoping for a cancer that would kill me fast and painlessly, and I got a Playstation 4. I still haven't finished any of the games that I have bought. 

Of course every European knows that Santa Claus is from Finland, and American that he is from North Pole, and 9 percent of Christians that Jesus is from Bethlehem. I made the statistics up just to stop people mocking religions. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Finland's Grand Committee on Greece

Finland's Grand Committee had a meeting last Saturday about it's policy on Greece. Grand Committee is a compromise between having a two chambers or not. Grand Committee usually has members from all of the parties represented in the Eduskunta (Parliament), and it's foremost duties include issues concerning European Union, and law proposals that has been passed to a second round for amendments.

In case somebody is wondering how the Parliament felt about the Greece's situation you might be interested in these minutes. I could not find them in English so I have taken this opportunity to translate the minutes. Everything inside brackets are my own comments to give background information and it might not be completely unbiased. I'm solely responsible if something is lost in the translation or if the translation is inaccurate on any accounts. Also, keep in mind that politician's don't always speak the language that you would hear in a pub. Viewer discretion is highly recommended due to these limitations.


"Item 3 - Eurogroup 11.7.2015

Meetings of European Council and European Union's councils
EUN 41/2015 vp [link is broken or unpublished]


Following were heard by the Committee:
- Minister [of Finance] Alexander Stubb

Assisted by Secretary of the State Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Secretary of the State Martti Hetemäki, Ministerial Adviser Minna Aaltonen, Financial Secretary Jouni Lehto [from] the Ministry of Finance.

Follow-up Letter EJ 14/2015 vp (E 137/2014 vp) has been received by Eduskunta [the parliament]. The Minister Stubb and the Secretary of the State Heinonen outlined Finland's Policy [so far].

The floor was given to MPs Tuppurainen, Arhinmäki, Elo, Biaudet, Jalonen, Essayah, Haavisto, Harakka, Mykkänen, Kalmari and Vice Chairman Pekkarinen. Minister Stubb, and Secretaries of the State Heinonen and Hetemäki, and the Secretary of Finances Lehto then answered to queries.

The Grand Committee pointed out that the item in hand involving the contents of the Follow-up Letter EJ 14/2015 vp (E 137/2014 vp), the position of the Government, and the discussion made in the [Grand] Committee is a matter of discretion on the grounds of the Constitution § 50 subsection 3 to secure the negotiations. During the discussion the Chairman Virolainen made the following basic proposal as the position of the Grand Committee: Committee agrees with the Government's Policy.

The meeting was suspended at 16.34, and it was adjourned at 16.50.

MP [Johanna] Karimäki made the following proposal for the Grand Committee to approve as it's position supported by MP [Eva] Biaudet: 

"Finland's objective of negotiations should be to secure the stability, the unity and the future of the Eurozone. Greece has made a new request for a new loan program via ESM [European Stability Mechanism], experts have given their views of the Greece's reform proposals, and the Greeks have indicated through a referendum that they want a change.
The evalution given by the Institutions were presented to the Grand Committee only verbally. According to the statement the Government's position is against the recommendations of the Institutions. The Grand Committee acknowledges that the evaluation should have been trusted. The growing humanitarian crisis has to be stopped, people should be able to fulfil the requirements for living in the whole of European Union. It is in the core of the European values. The legitimacy of European Union is based on this.
Finland's overall liabilities should not necessarily be increased as there is still capital in ESM to cover Greece's third loan program. In the long run it should not be a threshold question should the capacity of the crisis solving mechanism be increased if the stability of the Eurozone requires it. Crisis solving mechanism to maintain the stability of the Eurozone has been proven to be a success. For example, Portugal and Cyprus have been able to get their economy on a more sustainable foundation due to the support program. 
For the last five years we have been solving the crisis by saving banks. According to experts 75 per cent of the benefits of the European Union and other creditors went to international banks. Most of the benefits went to Germany. In a normal market economy banks and the investors would have carried the risk. Cuts in the Greece have been substantial, and most of it is being paid by people who are already in the low income and unemployed. This does not remove the fact that Greece needs to do systematical reforms to expand the foundation of taxes and to tackle the grey economy, tax evasion and corruption. Also the reform of pension scheme should be continued so that the raise of the pension age would not only affect the now young generation. Greece's government should be able to decide what are the reforms that provide the best growth. 
Big part of the Greece's economical problems and the amount of the debt is derived from domestical problems. But also a very big part is derived from the financial crisis and the bank saving operation. This has to be acknowledged when we are thinking about the terms of a compromise. 
Uncontrollable exit of the Greece from Euro would lead to a long-term instability which could in the worst case expand to a European wide crisis. The objective should be to keep all the current Eurozone states in using common currency. In case the Greece exits the euro it would be probable that the Greece would not pay their debts. Also the risk of Finland losing all it's receivables is high. 
The terms and conditions of the crisis countries' support programs or loans should be able to be readjusted if the crisis countries implement healthy reforms for their economies and if the readjustment is to secure the well-being for the whole Eurozone and Finnish economy. Support programs are to be implemented in the matter that they support employment and growth. Principal is that the loans given out through the support mechanism will be paid back.
Greece's government needs room to choose their economical means to get by the crisis, but we also need to to see true commitment to necessary reforms. Syriza needs to be held responsible for credible accounting. In the mean time EU and Finland should be prepared to give humanitarian aid immediately if the whole economical system of Greece, and the availability of groceries and medicine collapses in the immediate following days.
[Grand] Committee expects that the negotiations are driven to find a compromise that secures Finland's and Europe's interests, secures our receivables, secures the stability of Eurozone, and is fair to Greece and to their ability to see growth as a part of the union of common currency. From this position Finland can agree that we will negotiate with Greece about the ESM program."

MP Karimäki's proposal lost the vote by 17-4, 4 abstained. 

MP Arhinmäki made the following proposal for the Grand Committee to approve as it's position:

"Finland is prepared for a solution that enables Greece's economy to grow, unemployment to go down, stop the growing of the humanitarian crisis and is ready in principle to start the negotiations for the ESM program. Also as proposed by the so called Institutions (Comission, ECB, IMF) the Greece's proposal will be the foundation of the negotiations for ESM program.
Objective is that Greece can also pay back it's debts. Sustainability of Greece's debts might require restructuring of the debts. 
Negotiations should include that Greece will make major reforms to tackle corruption, stop tax evasion and improve it's taxation. Also the pension scheme requires restructuring reforms."

Proposal was not put into a vote as it was unsupported.

MP [Tytti] Tuppurainen made the following proposal for the Grand Committee to approve as it's position supported by MP [Riitta] Myller: 

"Finland's government has been unable to acquire enough information and credible estimations of the situation in Greece to make decisions. Finland has to hold on to it's receivables negotiated through [our] liabilities."

MP Tuppurainen's proposal lost the vote by 17-8. 

[Grand] Committee approved the position of the Eduskunta: [Grand] Committee agrees with government's policy."


It is also notable that even though the Grand Committee is formally representing the Parliament all the amendments to the Grand Committee's basic proposal came from the members of the opposition parties.

Hopefully this translation shows that not all of the Finland, or it's Parliament, is in anyway supporting the unreasonable terms that the Greece is presented with.

Utrecht puts basic income to the test

While the Greece is currently the main focus of economical experiments, meanwhile in the land of wooden shoes the concept of basic income is getting an interesting treatment. Basic income being the social welfare model where everybody (presumably) gets a certain amount of money (per month) regardless of their situation.

It is going to be put into a test in Utrecht, Netherlands. This time it is not entirely political. 300 people living on welfare have been chosen and divided into groups. 50 of these people will receive something between 900-1300 (according to Quart's article). The idea is not to put basic income in use permanently, but to do an experiment to see if people will be "lazier" if they get free money. Local university is involved in the experiment.

Interesting part about this experiment is that there are two other groups as well. One which continues to receive benefits according to current legislation which is not that interesting, but provides a necessary comparison. The third group is the bomb. They have to earn their benefits through a system involving incentives to get rewarded. Think about a social welfare system were you would be required to do certain mundane tasks just to be considered receiving social benefits.

Of course there are requirements to be fulfilled before being eligible for social benefits in every country around the world. In Ireland to be eligible for Job seeker's allowance you have to have a certain amounts of job history behind you, you have to be unemployed, and you have to be looking for a job. I admit that it is not a lot that is being asked.

There are two reasons why this experiment's outcome could be criticized even before any final conclusions have been made. The amount of people participating is quite small. Only 50 people from 300 is participating in the basic income part. Sampling size is too small, and it is also too local to draw universal conclusions out of the outcome.

Secondly, all the selected people are already customers of the social welfare. Now the hypothesis of "people dropping out of job markets" is not included. I don't have any deeper insight in to this experiment as I was unable to find more details about the methodology that is being used. For starters I don't know how long the experiment will take. Will it last for a fixed amount of time or will it continue ad finitum and the sampling size is measured with the same questions every half an year or an year?

But we should be excited as this social experiment might give us actual information about how the basic income could and would affect behaviour. It will add much more weight to the debate concerning basic income than (politically) opinionated 'might-happens'.

Also check:
Independent: Dutch city of Utrecht to experiment with a universal, unconditional 'basic income'

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Clever Headlines Are Not What They Used To Be

"In the old days. Days when even the Nostalgia was better. You noticed that clever timejump wordplay? Well, it's too late to play with time travel when you already got this far.  Unless we try to undermine the original premisses. That is only if we don't go that far back in time - only to the moment when the actual change in headlines happened - and not go too far. Would that be okay? Are you a man from the future talking to me? Or am I just talking to myself?", he responded.

"They are all very good questions, but they are not even touching the interface of How Language Has Changed During All These Years -App. ", was shown on the screen opposite of the mall hall. She didn't really react to the man talking about "days when", "Nostalgia", "man from the future", and "am I just talking to myself." It all seemed so eerie. Misty as a hall full of people could ever be. But they did not know half of it.

You don't know yet how, but the next paragraph is going to start with a small reference to the structure. And it is going to end to the conclusion.

It is trying to reflect itself from the headline without realising that the headline is just a foreword before the afterword. At least then the headlines used to make sense.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

The Five Reasons to Be Against Abortion

There is a good few of you folks who still needs reasoning against abortion. We all know it, and we know what already happened when gays were allowed to get married. God doesn't live in this country as strong as it used to. I think the strongest reason why we failed there was because we were not reasoning enough. Before the kettle of hell gets turn to us as a nation we should all figure out how to fight the next level of Satanism, and Abortionism. So write these down. These are the five good reasons why abortion should not be allowed.

1. The Polish

Did you know that after the Schengen deal, most of the Europeans that came to Ireland were the ones from Poland? There are more people speaking Polish than Irish. According to eurostats there are more people moving to Ireland than from anywhere else. Think about this?!? Enda Kenny might be required to have a simultaneous translator from Irish to English, and then to Polish, just because of all those ladies who had an abortion in Poland. The good lady always stays home, and what are they doing here right now?!? Not just taking jobs, but also protesting for abortion.

2. Eiffel Tower

Did you know that Eiffel Tower is more than 300 meters tall? You probably did not know that. French also built the Statue of Liberty. They also were very rebellious against the Monarchy, just like Irish did. What do they do with that easiness?!? They build a fekking tower which some could find a bit like a penis looking, and who do like penises the most?!? The ladies who are driven by the devil, and don't want to get married. They just want to get pregnant, just to have an abortion, because they like to visit France. 

3. Aer Lingus

It is probably a bad moment to talk about Aer Lingus, but as you know the bible says

 "They would none of my counsel: they despised all myreproof."

And this is why it never works the same way as Ryan Air. Of course the other company can take where ever you want to go, but you should never forget that there is no such thing as a cheap abortion. Think about the brimstone, and then think about flying planes. Think about the Aisling, the daughter of Ireland. Were would you be now if we would have been using Aer Lingus just to get an abortion?!? Think about that.

4. Personality

If you have ever seen a pregnant woman, you will know by heart that there is a living, and breathing thingie inside the mother. That's why it is already perfectly a good situation to do personality tests to them. Hardest part is to get your voice heard through the pregnant people, and that's why normal people use amplifiers. They can raise your voice's normal strength to as high as 120 db. which allows you to make reasonable questions to the child. You can ask him/her questions like which colour do you like the most? This red, or this blue. Of course you might laughing because children cannot speak at that time. They are not even breathing. BUT WOULD YOU LIKE TO MURDER THIS LOVELY PERSONALITY, just because you hate god. I think not. You want to cherish that pile of DNA as a person of free will. 

5. Donald Duck

Name your ten favourite cartoons. You can even name five, and they probably have a Disney brand on them. Think about the world where that would not be possible. That would only be possible because the evil atheists killed Walt Disney, and with him, the angry bird, and all the musical animations that you love. Would you like to be the abortionist of your family?!? Think again!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Celtic Streissand Effect

Somebody probably still remembers Novaya Gazeta, and Anna Politkovskaya. The latter was murdered about a century ago, and the paper itself has met some hard times in Russia. Politkovskaya wrote many articles in Novaya Gazeta about some probable mischiefs from Russian government's side in Chechen War. Murderers were never caught, but she got a lot of attention for her articles. Russia still doesn't really excel on the transparency level.

Then there was this website based solely on donations, and they torrented US diplomatic cables around the web. Julian Assange is wanted in the USA for spying (or maybe not), and in the Sweden for a (alleged) rape. Wikileaks produced papers that showed that everything is not so black and white in war, and probably never will. USA government was not very happy with this issue, but seems that Julian Assange is too liked person for drone attacks.

Then there is Edward Snowden. Also a hero of free speech, but unfortunately plenty of times confused with Julian Assange as seen on John Oliver show. Snowden is still alive, and the leaks are still out there.

In Ireland, you would not except that kind of silencing would go through unless it's blasphemy which is still a crime in Ireland, except it just completely did. It seems that the local court has just decided that local media should not give out any information about Denis O'Brien's involvement in local corruption (alleged, or not). When a member of the parliament Catherine Murphy brought this (alleged) suspicion up in the Dáil (Irish Parliament), no local newspaper dared to published her speech, although it should be normal journalistic process just to quote somebody.

Irish High Court decided that his past should not be reported in newspapers at all. It started when RTE was about to bring out some old stuff from his past, and his lawyers just run in there, and for some odd reason actually won the hearing. Except for broadsheet.ie which still loans MP Murphy's speech from the Dail. 

Hopefully Mr. Denis O'Brien and his lawyer's will hear about the Streisand Effect. It usually ends up when trying to shut up people in the internets that the voice actually gets louder.

Related stories:
Channel Four blog (including passages from MP Murphy's speech)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Celtic Tiger Might Take a Great Leap for Equality Today

This is a great moment to live in Ireland. You can see, hear, and feel the history being made. Referendum will be held today to decide what should be the age of presidential candidates. Important as well, but also the vote for Marriage equality will be cum in actum.

Posters of "Yes" and "No" side

As it is kind of obvious that equality includes the idea of similar rights for everyone, as well as similar obligations. There should only be a need to inspect why Ne Doit Pas -side seems to be steaming against equality. 

My favourite bully group, Iona Institute, has been publicly advocating against equality by saying it is inequality. Let's take a moment to look at the work of these great minds.

Reasoning is that a mother can't be a father, nor a father cannot be a mother. I don't think anyone has even tried regenderize (I don't know if that is even a word, but I'll let it be here for a while. Maybe it will grow some root) parents. On a grass root level the no-side has been vigorously handing out leaflets explaining why you should vote no in bullet points. The point seems to be that it is redefining marriage, and that even the Bible says something about something. I just fail to see what is the downside of Marriage Equality. Is there going to be a flood, or a swarm of grasshoppers raining from the skies? 

This is probably how they see themselves:
(excerpt from Iona Institute's Bible)

When I go through Iona Institute's established view points. I see this:
(excerpt from Iona Institute's legal division)

You kind of know that things have gone too far when a lobbyist group starts posting news about two heterosexual men marrying each other. It is like taking everything that you can find, and just keep throwing them at imaginary enemies. Well, why not. They seem to be in good terms with a special kind of imaginary friend. 

This is what was happening on O'Connell street yesterday:

I was too lazy to edit this video. Anyways, it seemed so appropriate that people were singing Queen. They also sang John Lennon's Imagine. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Susan Anne White Recognizes the Arrival of the 1900s

It seems that Ireland is getting to the 1900s sooner than expected. This evidence was brought to me by Susanne Anne White as covered in the Independent yesterday. As you probably are aware (cause you know what is Internet, and you were able to find here) things like Feminism formed itself with pioneer thinkers like Simone De Beauvoir, Rock'n'Roll conquered the whole wide world about 50 years ago, and from the ruins of two World Wars rose European Economic Community, or the European Union as it is commonly known these days.

White is against all these things, but she doesn't regard herself as an extremist, as she sees that the society has moved, and back in the old good days people would have shared her views. They would have probably partied like it was 1899 again if it wasn't for those long haired what-you-calls-them.

But if you don't know what the internet is, and you are reading this from a paper that your holy padre brought to you as evidence of the Devil being close then you might agree with several of White's points. Rock'n'roll music decapitates holy matrimony, fuels sexual anarchy, and there is a connection to drugs. And the Devil said it was a good thing, and rock'n'roll Atheists celebrated in the orgy of death (or Friday as we tend to call it).

But she doesn't stop there. Gays should be jailed, adulterers should be imprisoned, and feminists should be - well, she really doesn't propose anything bad for Feminists. Only that because of them the idea of man as a provider for the family has decayed, and ladies are forced to work instead of being little baby ovens.

It seems that a woman standing for election to have women returned back to the kitchen from the public life doesn't lack anything in the irony shop. Wait till she hears about the Yes Equality movement.

ps. If you are reading this post from the paper don't wonder about those blue letters. We call them links. It's basically the same thing as in those (old) adventure books where you are required to turn to a certain page to continue the adventure, and you could go on and read it again, and again, and make different decisions, and have completely different adventure. Tomorrow people also play video games, and some of them don't take the concept of God too seriously.

edit: Check this Metro's photo of her campaign promises.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Not So Good Friday

It is almost time for Christian celebration of Easter, but it is celebrated very differently in Ireland compared to many other European countries. The Good Friday is not considered as a bank holiday, but the following Monday is. Ireland has this funny custom to have, almost regardless of the case, a bank holiday on the following monday. St. Patrick's day, Christmas, and New Year's day are the only exceptions to this magnificent rule. The reasoning might have something to do with mixing festivities with alcohol.

For is this not the country which economy is basically run by alcohol. One of the economical meters that this country uses is the amount of Guinness brewed, and consumed per day, per month, and per pub, etc. And when it comes to public drunkenness, the attitudes reflect to those of Great Britain, and Nordic Countries. When it comes to consumption, according to some trusthworthy studies, Ireland beats every European country except those of Austria, and countries east from there (Hungary, Montenegro, etc.). So it came to me as a surprise when there is actually a day when selling of alcohol is prohibited by law.

Well, almost. National Newspaper Publin has brought a list of how to get alcohol (with food in hotels, take a cheap 20 euro flight and go to the airport, check the link), and they do this annually. Thing to notice would also be that if you don't want to get killed by thirsty scavengers of alcohol on Thursday, you should stockpile for this special event already on Wednesday. The couple of years I've spent in the country has proven that there are two days when people go on spending spree. The day before Christmas to buy presents, and more so the day before the Good Friday, which is an absolute mess.

There has only been once a day since 1927 that Irish (well Limerickians) have been able to do their normal alcohol businesses on the Good Friday, and that was in 2010 (Good Friday Disagreement). Personally this offends my Atheism, and my goodwill towards all the Public Houses around the whole country. Our only hope is in the politicians like Frances Fitzgerald, but as long as the reasoning is some Gaelic sports like Rugby, we might only see relaxed regulations during major sports events.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The tiger is about to touch your pint

It seems that the Irish government is planning to set a minimum price for alcohol reports the Irish Independent. Paper usually uses a lot of pages to slur Sinn Féin, but this time they left out the part that the party was opposing the governments plan, not because of raising alcohol prizes, but that they are not promoting a bill to ban alcohol commercials.

My favorite country for comparing Ireland is Finland, and they officially have both of these bills in affect. High taxation on alcohol, and starting from this year, they have also banned alcohol commercials in spite that there is no evidence that alcohol commercials would affect drinking habits. Though there are some credible sources (citation needed) claiming that the commercials have an affect on which brands people pick up as their drug of the evening. So far the price changes in Finland hasn't affected so much in the usage, as it has more affected on the types of alcohol sold (beer, wine, vodka).

Leo Varadkar seems to believe that higher alcohol prizes will put a hold on domestic violence, sexual violence, and all kinds of other violence. At least if we are interpreting his Independent quote correctly when he stated that "[alcohol is] associated with many suicides and instances of sexual violence, domestic violence and child harm. The time for debate is over, we have had four years of it now. It is over and we need to put those measures into place."

I could make a working theory if I would assume that Varadkar's view of correct social policy by stating that it could be measured. In the future, only the people, who can afford drinking, would be the number one suspects when it comes to domestic violence.

Alcohol prizes might go up to somewhere between 1.70 and 2.20 per beer can. It is not a horrible prize, but it is definitely something to be concerned about. With wines the price range seems to be in par with mine. The minimum prize of wine might go somewhere between 7.20 and 8.80.

On the other hand I would suspect that people might still be drinking, and those who already use all their money to alcohol products will be the ones who will only get poorer at much faster rate.

What I truly believe is that alcohol consumption has many effects on society. Alcohol might break families, but it also creates new ones. Alcohol might be the cause of problematic gambling, but some winnings might only be due to the correct amount of alcohol usage. Anyways, this political process is definitely something to follow up on. It might also give a very good insight on how the mainstream politicians truly feel about alcohol.

Finland's neighbor, Sweden, has their own interpretation of Finnish alcohol politics. Robert Gustafsson shows the five stages of Finnish drinking (in Swedish):

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"New" "anti-terrorism" "laws" - just to quote

It seems that Ireland is preparing to fight terrorism on it's own soil again. Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan's speaks kind mildly on quotes published in Journal.ie: “We need strong partnership between Member States as well as cooperation between the EU and third countries and organisations in the Middle East and elsewhere. The recent appalling terrorist attacks in France and Nigeria remind us that terrorism does not respect borders.”

Or, there is a very slim possibility that Garda needs more resources to fight against Jaywalking as we can see from this video below showing upstanding directing of traffic which happened to happen at the same time as some odd protest against water charges in Ireland: